Hey Guys,
This is Leon..
From 7th of December, as you might have noticed already there have been no updates as I´ve been waiting for MasterCard to approve LEONS.TV aaaaaaaaaand THAT IS DONE!
Second thing is, CCBill already fully approved us. That means memberships are open, as of today!
Starting from today is a new era.

We will do it, together, a great site which we love, care and share with happiness and joy. I promise.
From this day, it will be my first priority to make this site bigger, nicer, and as we want. Write me all you want from me. I will make it reality. Support me. I´m still, we can say, an amateur for all.. I do almost all by myself, and try to serve and share the best, in my view, in my style.. so, if you like it, let´s do it together.
Thank you for your membership and let´s ROCK, already,
shall we?
Your Leon
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