We´re not bringing peace to the world.. but.. it´s something..
I would like to THANK YOU, once more, and welcome you to LEONS.TV, your home.

It´s been almost 2 months, with more than 60 big updates, each single day something to improve, add and uploads, downloads, building a big, new empire, here, together..
We´re like 8% of the whole my vision and aim here, right now, where we are. Also our traffic is, last month around 8K (7.98K).. Only 8000 people have seen LEONS.. yet.
Target is 100K monthly visitors.
What shows a positive and indeed a great sign is, Bounce Rate, which is only 0.63%
Bounce rate means the percentage of visitors to a particular website who navigate away from the site after viewing only one page.
“a rising bounce rate is a sure sign that your homepage is boring or off-putting” – From Google..
Many websites have over 50-60%s and even more in this one.. We have only 0.63%.. This is really amazing.
It might go up in time as our traffic resources may vary and go up but still it´s an incredible start and a very encouraging sign.
Let´s leave it here like this, as a we are starting the engines in the beginning, today, 8 February 2019, now:

If you´re not a member, please join now. The prices “should” go up soon as the content here is really more than rare and exclusive (I´m not going to explain deeper and or mention other things but please sign up now, and stay as a member, you will not and never be disappointed with your this decision).
If you´re already a member, stay as you are. We are just at the beginning of all. You have seen almost nothing. Together we will rule the world.. or at least we enjoy the life, more and more in our way, together and this will be meaningful.. and GREAT, I promise.
As usual, use please contact form for any kind of comments, questions, wishes and all feedback, too.. You know I read them and try to react, answer as soon as possible..
Thank you!
Your Leon
JOIN NOW, enjoy all, now!

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